Final Cut

This Is our Final version of what we have edited and produced. There is also an extended version we have made as we felt that after we thought we had finished filming we thought that some people might want more information to explain what the rest of the film would be about so it doesn't just look like a short film. this extended version was created for that reason but decided to release both versions to show what the extended version has actually edited.

Evidence of Editing

These Images are a Screenshot of us editing our film half way through and showing you what the timeline looked like and shown you the different videos we took. The second one shows the ending we originally had before Editing the rest of it to make it look better and of a more professional quality. This was just to show evidence that we have edited this ourselves. The finalized timeline with the Different titles and edits we have used will be posted separately when it is finished.

First Rough Cut

This if the first rough cut we have had. It is mainly un-edited and contains ideas we are having while deciding what will work, what needs re filming and what edits are over done/don't fit.

Analysis of Audience Research

Analysis of audience research from HarryScarbrough
Analyzing audience research allows you to see what feedback you have gotten from questionnaires and such. In this case we didn't get very good feedback as people were to vague with answers so we didn't really get much information at all.

Call Sheet

A call sheet is used to show what location we will be filming in, what time people should get there for and what they should wear. We also have contact information for the people we know for definite are coming. Craig said he would be there if he could but he couldn't give us contact information at the time we uploaded this document so we are getting one of him before we leave college and contacting him on the day to find out if he can still turn up

BBFC Research

BBFC Research was done to see what all the different logos meant on age rating and what we would rate our film based of our research.

Treatment Sheet

The treatment sheet was used to discuss the cast and the plot and talk about what equipment would be needed and where it would be shot. This is useful so if anyone needs to see what they need to bring or wear and can't get hold of anyone and it's almost time to record they will be able to get this sheet up and find out what they should bring.

Initial Ideas

Initial ideas from HarryScarbrough
This is our Initial Ideas, we have done this to show what ideas we have so far of our movie and how we want to go about the actors and setting along with the plot.

Production of the Company Logo

This is the production of the company logo we have Chosen. It Is a brief explanation as to why we have chosen this logo and how we created some of these in more detail. This was mainly done by Harry Scarbrough with Input from me as I created the logos and helped when explaining the tools we had used.

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment was to show any risks that could come up and what we would do if any of these happened. We also outlined what we could do to keep this from happening. Harry done this on his account while my internet was acting up so all of this was written on his account with input from both of us.

Intitutional Research

Institutional research from HarryScarbrough
Institutional research was done to see how much much revenue different genres of films make individually and how many Movies have been released in each Category. During this research successful films were found to get ideas from their films to see what made them so successful.This would give us ideas to use in our films.

Storyboard (Rought Draft)

This is the first rough draft of our story board, We haven't done much with it as we just needed a quick guideline as to where we were going with it so we knew for definite what we were working with and what we could edit to make better before making a finalized version.


This Questionnaire will be used to find out what type of genre people enjoy watching the most to try and find out if we made the right choice when deciding what genre to go for and what their favorite film from a Horror Genre, among other things such as how old they are to find out what age rating best prefers Horror films and how much they would pay to see a brand new horror film in case one got marketed as a rough price we would set. 

Front Cover

This is the Image we Planned to use if we made a front cover on DVD for the film or if we were going to market the film. To create this we got a picture of generic woods off of Google Images and started using some of the same skills used in our Opie in the Initial Skills section. We used the bucket tool on the trees and made them black so we had thick black trees and leaves. After we had done this we made the games in between these completely white and made it slightly thicker and overlapped the trees so the trees seemed more realistic and not to blocky and thick. We then added a bored along the top and bottom curved slightly. This was to look like an eyelid outline as if you had a first person view through someones eye. We made this slightly more realistic as if it was an eye by blurring the outlines to show a field of view as an actual eye blurs anything in your peripheral vision. I feel like this worked out well and if we ever did want to market this or if we had to make a poster I feel like this would work well.

Different Logo Ideas

To Create these different logo Ideas I used Photoshop. The first Screenshot I took was to show what we done when we were comparing which logo to use. the first logo we only took a screenshot at the end and saved the final version but to make this we took a picture of a Panther Print, made it a dark blue and then added streaks of white curved to follow the print and blurred it, we then took out the top part of the prints and

pasted smaller panther prints on each on. I feel like this gave it a slightly different look which I  Liked but at the same time It looked to cluttered, we could of still used this image however but two people voted for a different logo. The next three logos were all meant to be one but we saved during development to see which part looked the best in case we cluttered it too much and didn't have a back up. We decided on the Logo with the panther with only a slight glow effect around the body. This was because the one with a thick outline seemed too much and the one with no glow wasn't very visible. Over all I'm happy with the logo we have chosen for the start of our film opening.

Scream Opening Scene Analysis

I analysed the first five minutes of scream as the film I was asked to analyse. The reason I chose Scream was because it is a Horror film and I am hoping to create the two minute opening as my video so I thought it would be best to analyse one of the most recognized horror film.

Padlet Mood Board

Created with Padlet  

This Mood board was created for starters to show our basic understanding of The topic Psychological Horror and to find research and post it on our blog and add to it whenever we learn something new to it. The background for this padlet was actually of a game that is considered a psychological horror and it is rated very well. I enjoyed this game and that's the main reason I chose to do a psychological horror.


The tools i used to complete the task were:

  • Text Tool- I used this tool to create the text saying "WAR" over the image of the Battlefield Box art. 
  • Transform Tool- I used this to make the Text larger and size it to fill the full page.
  • Clipping tool- I used this to make the text transparent and Clip it to the image, allowing you to see the image through the text.
There weren't any parts of this task that i found difficult and i feel like i was successful in completing the task I was given. If i was to change anything next time it would be font to make it slightly thicker so the image in the background is a bit more clear.

Mad Men Essay

Opie Self Portrait Evaluation

The tools I used to complete the Opie self portrait were:
  • Magnetic Lasso Tool- Used to outline the different sections of the body and make them different layers to build up the Opie look.
  • Brush tool- Used to draw the mouth and any fine details added, such as the lines in the hair or the creases in the jacket/ shirt. Also to outline the body, giving more definition to the portrait.
  • Paint bucket tool- Used to add the base colour to different sections of the body before adding the extra detail. For example, I used the paint bucket tool on the hair to add the brown colour and then added the fine detail later with the brush tool.
  • Eyedropper Tool- Used to get a more accurate colour of each body part/ clothing that could be seen in the picture.
I didn't find any parts of the task difficult or any of the tools. The only problem with the tools I had was when the colours were similar and I was trying to use the magnetic lasso tool as it was sticking to other objects in the background I wasn't intending it to but that was easily fixed by starting again and manually clicking where to make the points instead of letting it do it automatically.
I feel like I was successful in completing the task and the only change I would make is choosing a thinner brush for the mouth and making it more of a solid line instead of having it looking grainy along the outer parts of the line.